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Are Hearing Tests Really Important?


Just like you get annual physicals and vision check-ups, hearing screenings should also be a regular part of your healthcare plan. It’s been estimated that 30 per cent of people aged 65+ are said to have some type of hearing loss in the United States and Canada. Annual testing and screenings are growing concerns because of the rise in cardiovascular disease and depression among adults and senior Canadians.

So let’s take a look at the biggest reasons why you should get an annual hearing screening or test at a hearing centre: 


Hearing Ensures Better Health

Health is one of the main reasons why you should receive annual screenings because hearing loss can also be a symptom of serious health conditions. It can be a side effect of heart disease, depression, Alzheimer’s or any other disease. Hearing loss can also be affected by stroke, high blood pressure, arthritis and diabetes. So it is extremely important to get your hearing tested by your physician, which can mean preventable health problems.

Better Relationships 

Hearing loss impacts an individual’s family and friends, not just the person experiencing hearing loss. If a family member experiences hearing loss and is left untreated, the relationship with that person can deteriorate. Words exchanged can be misinterpreted, misunderstood and depression can set in. If your partner or family member begins to misinterpret or miscommunicate with you and he/she is between the age of 50, it is best to help them seek a screening at a testing centre.


Better Career Advancement


As adults enter the workforce, they are expected to be able to follow directions, present information clearly and understand what is happening in large meetings without asking a lot of questions.

When an employee is suffering from hearing loss, he/she may miss out on these things because of being unable to keep up with other employees. This becomes frustrating even when the person isn’t aware of the hearing loss he/she is facing. Hearing aids can solve problems like these and help repair a person’s career to get that person living again.


If you’re concerned about your hearing, call us for an appointment. We will get you on the path to better hearing and a happier life!  


We provide the best experience to show you what hearing better can feel like! Call Now